There's a method to my madness.
A clever rational justification for my impulse. I, Santiago Bélanger, am an Entrepeneur,
A doer,
An ambitious individual who hates letting people down, along with promises.
It all started with my Instagram. In February of 2021, in the midst of the pandemic, I was getting into The Sketch Monkey (aka Marouane Bembli) and was persistently asking for a redesign of the GM EV1. I asked for a whole month without a response. Me being an impatient individual, I decided to tackle the challenge myself. Obviously, the first render came out awful, but it just got better from there.
I rendered. Everyday. Every single fucking day of the pandemic, during classes, cadets, free time, and whenever I was sitting in my room with my Chromebook. I just did redesigns and experiments. Some were weird; challenging. Even to the point where I was about done, and decided it wasn't good enough, so I chucked it.
I began to develop a standard of excellence. A standard to everything I do in life; to give myself structure. Perhaps that came with maturity. There was a point where my goal was complete. Requests were given to me. I did every render that I wanted to do; I ran out of ideas. So, that's when the render stopped and shifted focus back to art/design.
I wanted better tools to design with, so I got a MacBook Pro. I wanted real tools, so I went ahead and bought Photoshop. I worked hard (At the time I had a job) to work so I can get money. Listen to old folk's problems, and their complaints, and give them the best service. I got myself dirty, trash went onto my apron often just so I can provide the best work I can. When I'm passionate, it shows. In April of 2023, I was broke. My car's suspension snapped. I needed money. I didn't go whine to my dad to pay more, I went to look for a job, and in the meantime, raise money. I wanted a beige wardrobe, so I made a beige cap. I wanted something, I made it myself. If I wanted to get somewhere, I did anything in my power to get myself there. I wasn't satisfied until I got there. Once I did, I felt at peace. Fulfillment. Zen. Namaste. I did it.
I wanted my uncle to play certain songs on the guitar. There was a point where it was too much for him, so I decided that I'd take it with my own hands, and play guitar to play those songs myself. I learned the basics in 3 weeks and was able to play House of The Rising Sun by Bob Dylan (The Animals version too) in a fortnight. My designs are dreams; visions of what I want MY future to be; how should I build it?
I don't need a degree in architecture to be an architect; I am the architect of my future, my goals, my ambitions, and my life.
I'm proud of all that I've done. All my festering, hyper-focusing, doing; it got me to where I am today. If you don't like my narcissistic disposition, attitude, or site, I think you don't know me. I'm selling a brand. I'm selling what I dreamed to have. I am Santiago Bélanger; an amateur designer, goal-maker, egotistical entrepreneur, and doer.
So that's why my Instagram, this site, and everything I do is published.
- Santiago Bélanger