Santiago Bélanger.
A Quick Bio.
Born on the 29th of November, 2005 in Montréal (Châteauguay), Québec, Canada, from a Mexican mother and French-Canadian father, Bélanger learned French and Spanish as his first languages.
In February of 2011, he moved to Chicago, Illinois, USA, and learned English. He quickly lost all of his French and struggled to converse in French. He founded Santiago Bélanger Design Company when he was 6 in 2012, which has diversified its portfolio in design.
He and his family moved back to Canada; Ottawa specifically, in 2017. There, he re-embraced his French-Canadian roots, and remastered the language, along with the aristocratic metropolitan ideologies that he gained in Chicago.
He graduated Secondary School in 2023 and was enrolled at Carleton's Bachelor of Media Production and Design.
Now, Santiago is a Year 1 at Algonquin College studying Interior Design.
He was also the RSM at the 640 Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa Army Cadet Corps and is on track to becoming a CIC with the Army Cadet Programme, as he is currently Volunteering with the 2870 RCD Cadets in Connaught.

Bélanger and Former PM Justin Trudeau.
His dad took it with WhatsApp, and the image quality came out horrendous (sad face)
He plays the guitar, is said to be very loud, has a great voice, likes to run, bike, and do biathlon, is an expert at Military Drill, likes to daydream, likes to be snob, loves to eat, and loves gluten (but is gluten-free), used to works with old folks, works with the Ottawa Senators (Aramark), loves Apple, loves cars, has gotten more stupid with age, thinks he's a model, wants to be an Architect Real Estate Agent and Interior Designer, a great salesman, loves 60s music, along with adult standards, has been getting into more chanson, loves Cabo, had a huge Hamilton phase, then a jazz phase, then a Leonard Cohen phase, and now has finally found his niche in music. He loves to go on vacation, has a 2014 Nissan Versa Note (that's Manual), a 2011 Nissan Leaf as his summer daily (due to its abysmal range) and a Tesla Model Y, wants to move to Westmount (in Montréal), he's a lot of stuff. He also likes using French and Latin words in his English to sound fancy. He loves cheese, wine over beer, gin over vodka (night and day), Scotch over whiskey, thinks he knows everything, a narcissist (as you can already see, but he's getting better at it), played "Pepper" in Mamma Mia at his High School's 2019 production; was the first grade 8 to ever perform, he thinks he might have been in the spectrum, has severe ADHD, possibly OCD, an Anglophile, loves kilts, loves his MacBook Pro, loves to brag, loves his Ray-Bans, and his AirPods Max, he has a Frenchie-Boston mix named Greta, and a Korthals Griffon-GSP mix named Tito. He also is a very fast server. He is a member of the Liberal Party and tries to be involved with it as much as he can. He has met many ministers, worked with Minister Jenna Sudds for 3 years with her Youth Council, and met the Prime Minister, the Premier of Ontario, the deputy PM, and many other politicians. Loves the Royals, minus Andrew and Duchess Meghan. He wants to meet the royals and daydreams to be one. He also has a giant Minecraft server of a fictional town named Goatsmouth, and is operated alongside his mate, Jayden. It's been a year or so in the making. If you read the whole thing, congratulations, you know I belong in a mental institution. Now, to some tacky headshots. I also did this because it looks Bauhaus-y.

Bélanger in Madrid

Bélanger at a parade with his cadets.

Bélanger in Roma, sporting Édition Eins.

Bélanger leading Canada's Army Cadets at the 2023 Remembrance day National Parade.

Bélanger's Official Cadet Portrait. Why is it coming out blurry wtaf.
FolIow him @belangerdesignco.
On the Instagram, you'll find design experiments along with his merch.
If you've got questions, complaints, worries, rhetorical questions, thanks, order requests, stupid questions, or (mainly) Béspoke consult queries, please, insert your email address to the right. Many thanks in advance!